Saturday, 21 May 2011

Technology is our F R I E ND

What’s all the buzz about technology? Why is that we hear or see new things coming out of this technology beast almost every day (maybe more)? Technology was always meant to make our lives easier so that we could give time and effort to other humane things we are supposed to do. We won't talk about these humane things at depth but to give you an idea, I'm talking about stuff like giving quality time to our family, being able to do good deeds in life (this does not include charity for tax saving..), add value to our life or help others do it. Alrite, that’s enough for the humane stuff.

Now the question arises, has technology really made our lives easier or is it making it complex. I mean, sometimes I do think that it is the other way round. When I was a kid, my choices were simple enough on what I should do or can do after school. It was broadly about studying or playing. In both the activities, gadgets, PCs etc did not have any role. Playing was synonymous with going out instead of staying indoors even if that was during the hot Indian summers. I remember playing cricket in hot summer afternoons and football in the rain. Both were enjoyed equally. Coming back to technology again, you talk to any teenager today. In fact, not even teenager, every school going kid and you'd find they know more about their parents' smart phones than the parents themselves. They would be more worried about posting an update on their Facebook page than meeting their friends. So, really would you call it simple or complicated? That’s an individual choice of course.

But let’s look at it this way. Is it really the technology which is at fault for this? I really do not think so. I have always been happy in saying that "Technology is our Friend". It is up to us how we want to use it. How much control we can have on our use of it? Do you still remember your close friends' phone numbers? I know the answer would be 'No' from most of us (including me..) as we are now depending upon our smart gadgets endless memory for storing it. I sometimes cannot even recall my wife's cell number. Its risky, I know but....

Let me tell you that since this is my first blog, I would not like to go into the tech stuff which is really my turf. I just wanted to have this first post as a disclaimer for all the tech-dreams and tech-reality stuff I would be talking about in my future posts. So, be assured that this blog will not be talking about whether technology is good or bad forever. In fact, the basic fabric of this blog is going to be based on the fact stated above - "Technology is our Friend".

I will leave it with these thoughts and we'll talk about some clouds which do not turn into rain when I return. Meanwhile, your feedback for this post would be vital in improving the next one and the ones after that.So, pour your feelings on this one. Happy reading and keep up with technology.



  1. Gaurav, Its really a gud topic to begin with as it really gave me a push to think what was my life when i was in school and what are the changes as u mentioned.But are we only responsible for the same....aur the fast and competative environment where each one says " Life is a race if you dont run other would grab the oppotunity "

  2. The Analogy of Soda Maker and Cloud is very interesting .... But Claims needs practical implication... Lets Hope ... But its a good work...

  3. Welcome to the 21st Century!!........A teachi world flooded with gadget where ..

    Communication -Wireless but Relations-Fruitless
    Phones-Cordless but Feelings-Heartless
    Cooking-Fireless and Food-Fatless,Sweets-Sugarless
    so many gadgets but still
    Mistakes-CountlesS & Youth-Jobless

    OUR Needs-Endless

  4. As fas as "technology as a frnd" is concerned then I think you have managed to put both the pros and cons of the subject.

    I agree that its upto us to control how much we shud giv priority to Tech and how much to the humane thing. But considering the fact that its a competetive world and people here are really in a never ending race so people cud find it a risk not to be with the technology, be it Facebook or any other popular topic.

    If u r alien to these tech jargans then u wud not be considered part of the group or even boycotted. And so to avoid this people always are in hurry to get themselves acquanited with the latest trends.

    And the fact is we indians are trying hard to be like US and so this will continue till the time when we realize that WE ARE WHAT WE ARE from ages and we shud be proud of our culture and trends rather then tryin to copy some other culture which is hardly 200-300 years old....
